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Discount Porter Cable 43091PC Roundover Router Bit Online

Porter Cable 43091PC Roundover Router Bit

you looking for cheap Porter Cable 43091PC Roundover Router Bit?

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Porter Cable 43091PC Roundover Router Bit
593-43091PC This item features: -Ball bearing pilot. -Lower depth setting results in chamfer with fillet. -3/8'' piloted bits for rabbeting or step cutting edges. -For smooth, uniformly rounded edges. -Lower depth setting results in rounded corner with decorative fillet. -For cutting decorative edging inverted radii, where smoother finish is desired. -For decorative edging and furniture. -Lower depth setting results in addition of fillet. -Graceful decorative design may be routed with or without fillet. -Classic combination of two styles commonly used in furniture and cabinetry. -Decorative design which can be used to simulate Victorian moldings. -For decorative period edging. -Creates sloping edge as used on table tops and plaques. -For use in table mounted routers only. -Creates triple bead with fillets in one pass. -Produce a multitude of different profiles by varying height and fence settings, and using multiple passes. -Use to create professional stile and rail doors. -Cutting Edge Material: Carbide-Tipped. -Quantity: 1 per pack. -Price is for 1 Each. Len. = Overall Length Len. = Overall Length Model Code  Model Description AAApplicable Materials:Wood, Bevel Cap.:45 , Flute Length:49/64 in, Overall Length:2 31/64 in, Shank Diam:1/4 in, Shank Material:Monster Carbide, Shank Type:Pozi-Stop, Type:Chamfer ABApplicable Materials:Wood, Corner Radius:1/2 in, Flute Length:3/4 in, Overall Length:2 7/16 in, Shank Diam:1/2 in, Shank Material:Monster Carbide, Shank Type:Pozi-Stop, Type:Round-Over ACApplicable Materials:Wood, Corner Radius:1/2 in, Flute Length:3/4 in, Overall Length:2 7/16 in, Shank Diam:1/4 in, Shank Material:Monster Carbide, Shank Type:Pozi-Stop, Type:Round-Over ADApplicable Materials:Wood, Corner Radius:1/4 in, Cutting Diam:1 1/2 in, Flute Length:3/4 in, Overall Length:2 15/32 in, Shank Diam:1/4 in, Shank Material:Monster Carbide, Shank Type:Pozi-Stop, Type:Roman Ogee AEApplicable Materials:Wood, Corner Radius:1/4 in, Flute Length:1/2 in, Ove

Porter Cable 43091PC Roundover Router Bit

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