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Best Cheap Porter-Cable 59381 Hinge Butt Template Kit Online

Porter-Cable 59381 Hinge Butt Template Kit

you looking for cheaper Porter-Cable 59381 Hinge Butt Template Kit?

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Porter-Cable 59381 Hinge Butt Template Kit
No ifs, ands, or buts about it—if you need to perfectly match a jamb in order to hang a door, then the Porter-Cable 59381 Hinge Butt Template Kit is the perfect hinge template for you. It’s easy to use and a great way to save time. Features include spring loaded nails that stay up prior to driving and can be removed with claw hammer, end gauges for each end of the template, thickness pins to mount doors to jamb without jamb stops, and a full length locator with each template section. The hinge butt template includes mortising bit, template guide, lock nut, carrying case and operating manual.

Porter-Cable 59381 Hinge Butt Template Kit

  • Offers a quick, simple and accurate solution when hanging multiple doors
  • Provides the capacity to hang both 3 and 4 hinge doors
  • 3 hinge template set up enables the routing of hinges on doors and frames between 6' and 7' in height
  • 4 hinge template set up enables the routing of hinges on doors and frames between 7 feet and 8 feet in height
  • Accommodates hinge sizes from 3-inch to 6-inch, in 1/2-inch increments

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