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Porter-Cable 75182 Variable Speed Router Motor

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Porter-Cable 75182 Variable Speed Router Motor
Able to achieve five speeds (10,000, 13,000, 16,000, 19,000 and 21,000 RPM), the Porter-Cable 75182 can handle a wide variety of home improvement projects. This rotor motor operates at a peak power of 3-1/4 horsepower to ensure consistent speed levels, and its completely sealed ball bearing construction combines with its machined aluminum motor housing to provide long term durability. For added convenience, the 75182 can be used as a replacement motor for router model 7518, and also works with 7500-series fixed base model 75361.

Porter-Cable 75182 Variable Speed Router Motor

  • High-powered router motor generates five speeds: 10,000, 13,000, 16,000, 19,000 and 21,000 RPM
  • 3-1/4 HP peak ensures consistent speed
  • Completely sealed ball bearing construction for durability
  • This item comes with a 1/2 inch Collet and also the Collet Wrench
  • Can replace motor in Router Model 7518; also works with 7500 Series Fixed Base Model 75361

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