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Router Table Insert Plate, Universal

you looking for super-cheap Router Table Insert Plate, Universal?

before decision to buy, I searches on on line so long time. So I gathered a shop that sells Router Table Insert Plate, Universal and compare prices to. Some online shops offers me fast shipping.

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Router Table Insert Plate, Universal
Using you're Router Table should be a joy. Having a Router Table Insert allows you to change router bits with ease. These inserts are a universal fit and can be found on all of our router tables. You will enjoy the great features that this insert has.· Measures 12" x9" x 3/8"· Acrylic· removable rings· 1 1/4 opening (fits porter cable type bushings)· 2 5/8" opening· 4" opening· 1/4" thick mounting lip· starter pin· Set screws installed for leveling in your tablePlease note, this item is NOT pre-drilled for your router, You can follow the directions on our directions page for doing this. Not recommended for 3 HP routers.

Router Table Insert Plate, Universal

  • 12" x 9 x 3/8"
  • Phenolic
  • 3 Opening sizes
  • Fits most routers (see below)
  • Blank (not predrilled)

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