
postheadericon Porter-Cable 450 1.25 HP Compact Router

you looking for inexpensive Porter-Cable 450 1.25 HP Compact Router?

Save On Porter-Cable 450 1.25 HP Compact Router Online Shop

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Porter-Cable 450 1.25 HP Compact Router Specification

  • Ergonomically designed to allow for comfortable and assured, single handed control
  • Durable 1.25HP motor delivers the power to meet the toughest applications
  • Soft-starting motor features full-time electronic feedback that maintains motor speed through the cut
  • Adjustment ring enables controlled bit depth changes to within 1/64-inch
  • Depth ring and clamping mechanism combine to ensure motor remains locked in position

Porter-Cable 450 1.25 HP Compact Router Overview

Ergonomically designed to allow for comfortable and assured, single handed control . Durable 1.25HP motor delivers the power to meet the toughest applications. Soft-starting motor features full-time electronic feedback that maintains motor speed through the cut. Adjustment ring enables controlled bit depth changes to within 1/64". Depth ring and clamping mechanism combine to ensure motor remains locked in position. Large, low-pressure spindle lock button allows for comfortable, single wrench bit changes. [else][endif] [if
  • Ergonomically designed to allow for comfortable and assured, single handed control
  • Durable 1.25HP motor delivers the power to meet the toughest applications
  • Soft-starting motor features full-time electronic feedback that maintains motor speed through the cut
  • Adjustment ring enables controlled bit depth changes to within 1/64-inch
  • Depth ring and clamping mechanism combine to ensure motor remains locked in position

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