
postheadericon Porter-Cable 75301 Height Adjuster

you looking for cheap Porter-Cable 75301 Height Adjuster?

Save On Porter-Cable 75301 Height Adjuster Shop

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Porter-Cable 75301 Height Adjuster Features

  • For use with 891 and 892 fixed base routers
  • Designed for use when router is inverted in a router table
  • Enables user to release the motor clamp, adjust bit height and secure the motor clamp from above the table
  • Weighs 1.4-Pound shipped
  • Accurate and precise

Porter-Cable 75301 Height Adjuster Overview

Make it easier to work at your router table with the accurate and precise Porter-Cable 75301 Height Adjuster. This handy tool performs a variety of uses, from making adjustments to simplifying bit changes--all without necessitating hunting for adjustment screws or crawling under the table. It works quickly to release or clamp the router motor and alter the height of the bit. To use, just insert the 75301 through a hole in the table, unlock the clamp, then put it through another hold and adjust the height while checking with the calibrated dial. Then simply return to the first hole and repeat the clamping process. [else][endif] [if
  • For use with 891 and 892 fixed base routers
  • Designed for use when router is inverted in a router table
  • Enables user to release the motor clamp, adjust bit height and secure the motor clamp from above the table
  • Weighs 1.4-Pound shipped
  • Accurate and precise

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