
postheadericon Porter Cable 77245 Box Joint Accessory Kit

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Porter Cable 77245 Box Joint Accessory Kit Features

  • For use with either 16-inch or 24-inch variable finger templates from the omnijig joinery system
  • Box joints of varying finger widths can be accomplished with the variable finger template
  • Particularly useful for standard and larger work pieces such as workbench joints
  • Accommodates stock up to 16-inch wide with template 55161 and 24-inch wide with template 77241
  • Accommodates wood up to 1-1/4-inch thick; minimum finger width is 1/2-inch and minimum spacing is 1-inch

Porter Cable 77245 Box Joint Accessory Kit Overview

Includes Box Joint Accessory Kit - 77245, Straight Bit - S3, Template Guides - G3.1, G3.2, G3.3, G3.4 and G3.5, Template Stops - Box Left and Box Right, Box Joint Set-Up Guide, Instruction Sheet [else][endif] [if
  • For use with either 16-inch or 24-inch variable finger templates from the omnijig joinery system
  • Box joints of varying finger widths can be accomplished with the variable finger template
  • Particularly useful for standard and larger work pieces such as workbench joints
  • Accommodates stock up to 16-inch wide with template 55161 and 24-inch wide with template 77241
  • Accommodates wood up to 1-1/4-inch thick; minimum finger width is 1/2-inch and minimum spacing is 1-inch

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