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Shop Fox D3117 Brass Guide Bushing Set Features

  • Fits Porter-Cable routers and others with template guide adapters.
  • Neatly organized in a plastic case.
  • These Brass Guide Bushings are designed to follow around any template

Shop Fox D3117 Brass Guide Bushing Set Overview

These Guide Bushings are designed to follow any template for perfectly matched multiples. The wide range of sizes allows full flexibility between router bit cutter and various templates. Set includes 5/16" O.D. - 1/4" I.D., 3/8" O.D. - 9/32" I.D., 7/16" O.D. - 11/32" I.D., 1/2" O.D. - 13/32" I.D., 5/8" O.D. - 17/32" I.D., 3/4" O.D. - 21/32" I.D., 51/64" O.D. - 5/8" I. D., 1" O.D. - 7/8" I.D., and two lock nuts. Fits Porter-Cable® routers and others with template guide adapters. Neatly organized in a plastic case.


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