
postheadericon Porter-Cable 4210 12-Inch Dovetail Jig

Save On Porter-Cable 4210 12-Inch Dovetail Jig For Sale

Porter-Cable 4210 12-Inch Dovetail Jig

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Porter-Cable 4210 12-Inch Dovetail Jig
Those who work with the 4210 rave about the user-friendly features. The jig's patented alignment lines and router bit depth stop simplifies set-up and gets you up and running in no time. This versatile jig accepts stock from 1/4 to 1-1/8 inch in thickness and up to 12 inches in width. Built with endurance in mind with its 1/8-inch a thick steel base, this jig includes ultra-durable CNC-machined aluminum templates for creating half-blind dovetails, dovetail dadoes, box joints, and miniature dovetails. The Porter-Cable 4210 includes a carbide-tipped dovetail bit, template guide, lock nut, and a easy-to-follow manual.

Porter-Cable 4210 12-Inch Dovetail Jig

  • Includes 4211 template for half-blind, rabbeted half-blind and sliding dovetails
  • Template alignment lines and router bit depth gauges allow for quick, easy set-up
  • Router bit depth gauges allow user to quickly and accurately set the depth without taking measurements
  • On-board instructions provide clear user guidance for the various applications; Machined aluminum template provides superior cutting accuracy and long term durability
  • 12-inch max stock width; 1-1/8-inch max stock thickness

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