
postheadericon Porter-Cable PCRBS10 10 Piece Master Woodworking Router Bit Set

Cheap Porter-Cable PCRBS10 10 Piece Master Woodworking Router Bit Set For Sale

Porter-Cable PCRBS10 10 Piece Master Woodworking Router Bit Set Features

  • Includes monster carbide bits that are 40-percent thicker than standard bits
  • Bits can be re-sharpened more times than standard carbide
  • Ideal for profile work on furniture, edge work, laminate and cut-out work, molding work, and more
  • On-board Pozi Stop feature automatically positions the bit at the correct height in the collet
  • Less vibration for smoother cuts, automotive-type powder coat finish

Porter-Cable PCRBS10 10 Piece Master Woodworking Router Bit Set Overview

The Porter-Cable 10-piece master woodworking router bit set includes monster carbide bits that are 40-percent thicker than standard bits, and make for a stronger, longer lasting bit that can be re-sharpened more times than standard carbide. Ideal applications include all key project bits, any profile work on furniture, edge work, laminate and cut-out work, molding work, and more. The on-board Pozi Stop feature automatically positions the bit at the correct height in the collet, so no test cuts are needed. It also features less vibration for smoother cuts, and an automotive-type powder coat finish for a durable and attractive surface.

What's in the Box
1/4-inch double flute straight bit, a 3/8-inch double flute straight bit, a 1/2-inch double flute straight bit, a 3/8-inch V-groove bit, a 1/2-inch core box bit, a 45-degree chamfer bit, a 1/4-inch Roman ogee bit, a 3/8-inch rabbeting bit, a 3/8-inch cove bit, a 3/8-inch corner rounding bit, and a wooden display case.


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