
postheadericon Porter-Cable 59375 Strike and Latch Template

Best Cheap Porter-Cable 59375 Strike and Latch Template For Sale

Porter-Cable 59375 Strike and Latch Template Specification

  • Mortises latch and strike plate openings with any collet router measuring 1/4 inch
  • Used to rout both the strike and latch plate on doors and frames
  • Accommodates doors of various thickness: 1-3/8-inch, 1-3/4-inch, 2-inch, 2-1/4-inch, and 2-1/2-inch
  • Accommodates both 2-1/4-inch and 2-3/4-inch strike plate sizes
  • Template center marks enable quick and easy alignment; Extended template platform provides excellent router stability

Porter-Cable 59375 Strike and Latch Template Overview

Why hire a locksmith or struggle with a chisel when you can install doorknobs yourself with minimal effort? The Porter-Cable 59375 is a professional quality kit that makes it a snap to mortise latch and strike plate openings with any collet router measuring 1/4 inch. The various settings for strike and latch plate sizes ensure precise results. (The strike plate sizes include 1-1/8-by-2-3/4 inches, 1-1/2-by-2-1/4 inches, and 1-1/2-by-2-3/4 inches and latch plate sizes of 1-by-2-1/4 inches, 1-1/8-by-2-1/4 inches, and 1-1/8-by-2-3/4 inches.) Compatible with doors with a thickness of 1-3/8 inches and 1-3/4 inches, the 59375 comes with a high-speed steel router bit and bearings, brads, and instruction manual.


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