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you looking for low-priced Porter-Cable 698 Bench Top Router Table?

Cheap Porter-Cable 698 Bench Top Router Table Sale

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Porter-Cable 698 Bench Top Router Table Features

  • Large 19-3/4-inch 16-3/4-inch machined aluminum top with cast-in lip to support table extensions
  • 3/4-inch Miter Gauge Slot
  • Multiple starting pin locations
  • Quick-adjust split-fence design with independently adjustable halves; Large 3-5/8-inch table hole size allows use of 3-1/2-inch diameter router bits
  • Comes with table and miter gauge

Porter-Cable 698 Bench Top Router Table Overview

Made of lightweight machined aluminum for durability and mobility, the 698 Bench Top Router Table from Porter-Cable is a versatile, portable, and adjustable table that's ideal for home improvement enthusiasts and woodworking novices. It easily attaches to a work table for added stability, and is also a snap to move from site to site. A pre-drilled 3-5/8-inch table hole for mounting and adjusting your router base accommodates 3-1/2-inch router bits, while the generous height of the legs allows enough room for the majority of routers. A split fence features two sections that you can position to work either front-to-back or laterally. Additionally, there are two starter pin positions, two inserts in a larger and smaller size, and 3/4-inch miter gauge slot. [else][endif] [if
  • Large 19-3/4-inch 16-3/4-inch machined aluminum top with cast-in lip to support table extensions
  • 3/4-inch Miter Gauge Slot
  • Multiple starting pin locations
  • Quick-adjust split-fence design with independently adjustable halves; Large 3-5/8-inch table hole size allows use of 3-1/2-inch diameter router bits
  • Comes with table and miter gauge

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