
postheadericon Router Technologies EX 2080 Xtreme Xtension Professional Router Bit/Collet Extension

Buy Router Technologies EX 2080 Xtreme Xtension Professional Router Bit/Collet Extension On Sale

Router Technologies EX 2080 Xtreme Xtension Professional Router Bit/Collet Extension

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Router Technologies EX 2080 Xtreme Xtension Professional Router Bit/Collet Extension
The single tool cutter changing eliminates searching for and holding the spindle lock while securing the collet with a wrench. Use the included 1/4" x 1/2" reduction sleeve to safely support your 1/4" shank cutters. NOTE: A 1-3/4" hole is required in the insert or table to allow the body of the extension to pass through for above table cutter changes.

Router Technologies EX 2080 Xtreme Xtension Professional Router Bit/Collet Extension

  • Use with any router table or any router lift to give you the cutter height you need and convenience you will love; includes 1/4 to 1/2 adapter and hex key
  • Short length and massive body eliminate deflection found with other extensions
  • Dynamically balanced and machined from fatigue proof steel allows running larger cutters
  • Quickly change cutters from above the table with a quick 1/4 turn of the wrench
  • No need to search for your spindle lock or use a pair of wrenches to change bits again

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