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Router Raizer RZ100 Precise Router Depth Adjustment

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Router Raizer RZ100 Precise Router Depth Adjustment
The Router Razor will work with the following plunge routers: Craftsman 27505, 27506, 27510, 27511; DeWalt DW621, DW625; ELU 3337, 3338, 3339, Freud FT2000; Hitachi TR12, M12V; Makita 3612-B, 3612-C, 3612-BR; Porter-Cable 693, 6931 base, 7529,7538, 7539 and Ryobi RE6000

Router Raizer RZ100 Precise Router Depth Adjustment

  • Router Raizer precise router depth adjustment for hand held or router table use
  • Instantly set your router to the approximate depth and then micro adjust
  • Makes height adjustments quickly and easily with the knurled adjustment knob
  • Also works with the speed wrench
  • Compatible with Craftsman, DEWALT, Elu, Freud, Hitachi, Makita, Porter-Cable, and Ryobi routers

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